A Denver Home Companion | the week's links

over at the powerdriver homestead, we finally feel caught up on life. now if only denver would realize it’s spring and stop dumping snow on us! i see the sun peeking out so it’s looking promising. new days always are. here’s to a productive yet restful weekend!

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A Denver Home Companion | the week's end

i’m on a cleanse right now and everything was going swimmingly until i started the juicing phase of it. so i’m tired. here’s to a weekend of green-garbly-drinks and miso soup. yeehaw! i’ll meet you back on monday w a little bit more pep and A LOT more solid foods. i seriously cannot wait.

that’s all folks! have a terrific weekend.

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A Denver Home Companion | eat drink create w proper pinwheelA Denver Home Companion | what ramona woreA Denver Home Companion | teeter totter timeA Denver Home Companion | drum circles

this week was more fun in the backyard (teeter totters, drum circles, play dates); time spent at the restaurant (getting the patio ready for the nice weather heading our way!); and a bloggers’ night out (#eatdrinkcreate at west elm) hosted by lexy from the proper pinwheel and erin from artsocial. i’m spending the weekend gearing up for easter (best friends and easter egg hunts and braised lamb and a risen lord anyone?!) as well as prepping for some fun blog posts coming up (new sponsors and a giveaway and, well, blogging is just fun to me oh my!). so in the meantime, i leave you with some links!

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A Denver Home Companion | winter vignette

in case you missed it

elsewhere on the interwebs

  • the populist was recognized as being one of the best new restaurants in denver this past year by 5280 magazine! we’re so honored. (that’s my talented chef pictured below!)

A Denver Home Companion | THE POPULIST 5280 MAGAZINE

photos by carmel zucker. from pages 52 & 53 in the march 2013 issue of 5280 Magazine.

A Denver Home Companion | LAZY MORNINGS

lazy mornings call for lots of blankets, drowsy cups of earl gray, avocado & goat cheese toast, and lots of tapatio on scrambled eggs.

in case you missed it

and elsewhere on the interwebs