A Denver Home Companion | clyfford still museumA Denver Home Companion | clyfford still museumA Denver Home Companion | pints pubA Denver Home Companion | noble swine supper club

yesterday, after ramona’s nap, the three of us got all dolled up and headed to a special free day at the clyfford still museum. ramona loved the tall ceilings and big rooms and we followed her closely to make sure she didn’t get too close to the beautiful canvases. she was none too thrilled when we whisked her away for some pints and half crisps at pints pub. until she tried a crisp. and then she was in heaven — a girl after her father’s anglophile heart. then we dropped ramona off at our friends’ house so jp and i could have a date night at noble swine supper club. jp and i were half of the original partners of this underground denver supper club but haven’t been involved in over two years. it was really fun to be at it again, but this time dining instead of cooking or serving. our friends do really amazing things, especially for the denver food scene!


  1. Because of you guys Denver is now on our list of food trips. Although…let’s just be honest….all our trips are all about the food anyways…Love R’s expressions. These girls have the scowls down, don’t they?

  2. […] clyfford still museum and i are partnering up! enter to win a membership there in a giveaway sponsored by […]

  3. […] another lovely visit to the clyfford still museum. […]

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