A Denver Home Companion | clyfford still museumA Denver Home Companion | clyfford still museum

another lovely visit to the clyfford still museum.

this weekend i’m running in jodi’s race for the colorado ovarian cancer alliance. this is in honor of my grandmother who died nine years ago after a courageous battle with ovarian cancer. my friend lauren will be my running partner again! then it’ll be housework and yard work. we’re working on getting our backyard shed organized so we can clean out our basement for a YARD SALE NEXT SATURDAY to make space for a room for ramona. i actually don’t mind working out in the yard during the weekends. what are your plans?


3 Responses to THE WEEK’S LINKS

  1. Alli says:

    The article on siblings is so beautiful. I always wanted more siblings for all the reasons he describes and I’ve always been jealous of those with more than one sibling. They always seem like such a great gang. The downside is just that sheer amount of work that goes into raising kids. The toll on your body & mental health. But in the long run I know that Lulu will be better off for having someone else to grow up with, someone she can always count on. Thanks for the reminder of why I wanted to have three children xx

  2. I have those sandals in the same color! In a much bigger size, of course. I love them and wear them almost every day in the summer, and people stop me all the time to say “I had those when I was a kid!” Love it.

  3. Hannah says:

    Thanks for the apartment therapy shout out! xo

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