A Denver Home Companion | ramona and the hammock

thinking of how to include your little one in some last minute mother’s day love? buy watercolor paints ($4.50 at your local art supply store), grab some heavier weight paper, and get to painting! ramona and max had a riot pointing to the color on the palette that they wanted to use (and i would speak it back to them), and then taking their turns w the brush and making their mark. i’ll cut the paper in quarters and write a note on the back to send to the mama’s in our life. easy peasy lemon squeezy. and the kids got to flex their artistic muscles AND learn color names in the process.

A Denver Home Companion | mother's day cardsA Denver Home Companion | mother's day cardsDiptic3A Denver Home Companion | mother's day cardsA Denver Home Companion | mother's day cards

elsewhere on the interwebs (i gotta lot for you this week!):

A Denver Home Companion | ramona and bea

happy weekend! i’m working at the populist this weekend and then we have a superbowl sunday party at our friends’ house (we plan on queso and, seriously, a KFC game day bucket or two [must be all those ads on hulu that have convinced me this is a good idea]). i’m looking forward to an impromptu denver blogger meetup next week with the lovely ladies of the following blogs: the reverie blog, you are my fave, and then we saved, the petrichor, and the proper pinwheel. my guess is we’ll have too much fun.

elsewhere on the interweb:

A Denver Home Companion | urban chickens