A Denver Home Companion | DIY heart garland A Denver Home Companion | DIY heart garland A Denver Home Companion | DIY heart garland A Denver Home Companion | DIY heart garland

  1. print out heart templates from here (print on cover stock or trace computer paper cut-outs onto a heavier paper and cut out).
  2. trace hearts on sheets of felt. cut out. (i used 12 paper sized sheets i bought from fancy tiger).
  3. sew hearts together in a color pattern (or random like me) of your choice. tip: sew from top down not from point up.
  4. hang with tape (or tie around small nails or pushpins) from windows or mantle or framed prints or blank wall. whatever you prefer!

tip: i would suggest sewing one long garland and then cutting-to-size as you decorate so you can have more control over length. i just sewed 10 on each strand without much thought to length and now they are all different lengths. this is fine and i’m happy about how it turned out but if i was to do it again i would try to make them a little more uniform.

what valentine’s projects are you working on? do you have posts or photos? send me the link! i’d love to check them out.

A Denver Home Companion | here's to a quiet new year

like most resolutions of years past, i resolve to be more present. to be more intentional. to listen more. to quiet myself more, heart and mind and body. i resolve get fresh air, ensure good nights’ sleep, drink lots of water, and read books. to spend wisely, and save meaningfully. there’s nothing particularly unique about these resolutions –i’ve read the same sorts of ones all over the blogosphere. and i will fail, i will stumble, i will not live perfectly. so if nothing else, i resolve to be thankful every day for my blessings. of which there are many.

happy new year to you and yours. may it be your best year yet and may you find things to be thankful for every single day.

A Denver Home Companion | going on a trip A Denver Home Companion | hot cocoa and car seat rides A Denver Home Companion | shoe shine at the airport A Denver Home Companion | shea mabel A Denver Home Companion | a swedish christmas dinner A Denver Home Companion | waiting for santa on christmas eve A Denver Home Companion | christ is born A Denver Home Companion | christmas morning A Denver Home Companion | lazy days at nona and pops A Denver Home Companion | traditional ham christmas lunch

the previous images are our christmas in a nutshell: packing, advent sweet treats, car rides, shoe shines at the airport (a new tradition), meeting new family members (welcome, shea mabel!), a family swedish meal for christmas eve dinner (swedish meatballs, rice pudding, mashed potatoes, my mom’s most delicious gravy, brussel sprouts, and beets with goat cheese), singing happy birthday to baby jesus in the manger (an old tradition), opening stockings from santa, showing off gifts from nona and pops, lazily lounging around the house before devouring christmas lunch (ham and warm baby kale salad with potato au gratin, roasted beets, gourmet cheese board, and epi baguettes).

it was a great christmas spent with my parents and brother and his family in minneapolis. it always feels quite magical up there. i’ve gotten a lot of inspiration from the way my parents have always celebrated the birth of christ and i look forward to creating our own powerdriver traditions when we stay at our home for christmas next year.


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2 A Denver Home Companion | dala horse as christmas decoration A Denver Home Companion | little sapling toys nativity scene

our little tiny home doesn’t have a ton of space for lots of christmas decorations. but this year i did more than years past.

not pictured are the amazing paper snowflakes jp and i cut up while watching HIMYM, which we taped on the windows and front door. next year i’ll be adding fake evergreen around the large picture frames on our walls and some DIY garland. and it will always smell like christmas.

our first 10 days of advent have been quite nice. there’s been lots of hot cocoa and little sweet treats and crafts done in front of favorite movies and television shows. the weather continues to be dreamy and so there have been long, drawn-out dates with the animals and lazy days lounging around the house in pajamas. today i am off to buy mistletoe to hang as an excuse to smooch my lover (of course, i don’t really need one but it’s oh so fun) but first i’m catching up on emails and letters and little projects while ramona snoozes and my christmas candles make my space smell devine.

cheers to you and yours!

psst: there’s a giveaway going on! click here to see what you can enter to win.