A Denver Home Companion | DIY heart window garlandA Denver Home Companion | DIY heart window garland

this weekend we’re having a pizza and game party with a small gathering of some of our dear friends. we’ve nailed down the pizza toppings and beverages (food and libations are always the easy part for JP and me) but what we’re not decided on are games for the group of ten. we’ve got catchphrase and taboo as options but we’re open to other suggestions. readers, what games for large groups do you enjoy?

while you’re thinking of that, here are some interesting links from this past week:

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A Denver Home Companion | DIY heart garland A Denver Home Companion | DIY heart garland A Denver Home Companion | DIY heart garland A Denver Home Companion | DIY heart garland

  1. print out heart templates from here (print on cover stock or trace computer paper cut-outs onto a heavier paper and cut out).
  2. trace hearts on sheets of felt. cut out. (i used 12 paper sized sheets i bought from fancy tiger).
  3. sew hearts together in a color pattern (or random like me) of your choice. tip: sew from top down not from point up.
  4. hang with tape (or tie around small nails or pushpins) from windows or mantle or framed prints or blank wall. whatever you prefer!

tip: i would suggest sewing one long garland and then cutting-to-size as you decorate so you can have more control over length. i just sewed 10 on each strand without much thought to length and now they are all different lengths. this is fine and i’m happy about how it turned out but if i was to do it again i would try to make them a little more uniform.

what valentine’s projects are you working on? do you have posts or photos? send me the link! i’d love to check them out.