A Denver Home Companion || sandalwood room spray

i keep a glass amber bottle next to my bedside that’s water and lavender essential oil. i cannot get enough of the fresh, soothing scent right before bedtime. it helps prepare me mentally for sleep. but lavender, rightly so, can be an easy scent to turn to in eco-friendly products for home. so i looked up ways i could spice up my scents for other rooms, while still maintaining the calm of lavender. my first search led me to a mixture of essential oils i already had (bonus!): sandalwood, chamomile, and lavender. used in essentially equal parts (though i have chosen to make mine more sandalwood heavy bc i love the masculine smell) it is a great spray perfect for living rooms or offices. it calms, relaxes, relieves some anxiety, and just plain smells amazing.

in a 4 oz glass spray bottle, fill with water and add equal parts sandalwood, lavender, chamomile. adding a bit of vodka can help emulsify the concoction, allowing the oils and water to mix evenly. shake it up and spray around. inhale. relax. repeat. enjoy.

A Denver Home Companion | free printable downloadable monthly calendars for 2014

it’s that time of year again: monthly calendars for organizing my daily cleaning schedule! and you can use them too! they’re free to download and free to print. want to get organized and tidy for the new year? i suggest putting these up on your fridge to mark down any important dates or commitments or travel plans or major to-dos.

2014 printable downloadable calendar by eopower

many thanks to my dear friend, bree, who designed this exclusively for a denver home companion. thanks bree!

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A Denver Home Companion | advent calendar

i don’t start decorating the house for christmas (except for hanging my mistletoe when it first arrives to me by post mail) until december 1. but i know there are many of you out there (including my hubby’s dear family) that kicks off christmas festivities the weekend after thanksgiving. 12/1 and the weekend after thanksgiving coincide this year so i had to get a jump on planning for our family advent activities. last year i posted the tutorial for our DIY advent calendar. using that same calendar, i’ve come up with some different activities, tweaked now that ramona is older and more enthusiastic about celebrating. here’s what we have planned for each night of advent. 

  1. decorate the house for christmas. not too hard since our home is teeny.
  2. make paper snowflakes while watching it’s a wonderful life (don’t forget the popcorn!)
  3. make a list of christmas wishes, including non-tangible things.
  4. read about the birth of Christ.
  5. call pops (ramona’s grandpa) to wish him a happy birthday!
  6. find the treats that old st. nick left in our shoes.
  7. declutter for christmas — what can we donate, regift, toss, upcycle?
  8. pick out the perfect christmas candle. watch a christmas story.
  9. let’s do some sledding (after praying for snow first!)
  10. make a christmas wreath for the front door
  11. make gingerbread homes with her buddy max.
  12. make saffron buns
  13. have a candlelit dinner in honor of sta. lucia day
  14. make christmas cards for ramona to send out to friends and family.
  15. take a morning winter hike. watch the remake of miracle on 34th street (jp’s in it!)
  16. head out to see zoo lights or go on a family drive to see neighborhood lights.
  17. dance party to christmas albums.
  18. definitely splurge on a sweet treat for breakfast
  19. spend the evening drinking hot cocoa and reading our christmas and winter books.
  20. make pepperkakor cookies and enjoy them with eggnog.
  21. let’s walk downtown and put money in strangers’ meters!
  22. hot cocoa, popcorn, and another christmas movie. let’s do elf this time!
  23. establish thoughtful new years resolutions. follow up with home alone.
  24. swedish dinner w friends, grasshopper pie, leave cookies & milk out for santa, and open one small gift.
  25. merry christmas! stockings, story of christ, strata, and presents.

what do you and your family do to make the lead up to christmas morning special and significant?

A Denver Home Companion | DIY natural yoga mat cleaner

hot yoga equals lots of sweat. so my mats need some loving! when i get home from class i drape my wet, sweaty manduka over my patio railing, spray it down with some homemade natural yoga mat cleaner, and let it air out in the sun. this saves me money on the yoga spray offered at many studios (it smells divine but is $10 for about 1/3 the size of my spray bottle!) and prolongs the life of my mat. it also cuts down on odors and bacteria that can occur when mats are used frequently and not cared for properly.

what you need

  • spray bottle (i love the inexpensive home depot ones)
  • water
  • vinegar
  • tea tree oil (lavender is a great option as well)

what you do

  1. add 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar to the bottle (the home depot one perfectly contains 4 cups)
  2. add drops of tea tree oil to your water mixture. there’s a lot of liquid in there so you may need at least 30 drops. this is up to you and how much you want to be able to smell the tea tree.
  3. shake, spray, wipe with a clean rag, let air dry.
  4. namaste