Hello, my dear internet cosmos! It’s MEL here from At D’s Suggestion. Emily invited me to come hang out with you today and I’m so excited to be here.

With the holidays right around the corner, I’ve got Santa on the brain. Let’s be honest–there’s nothing like the thrill of unwrapping. You know what I mean: hands shaking, heart racing, eyes bulging, sweat collecting on your forehead as you struggle to pry off the layers of packing tape that your overprotective relatives used to trap your treasure. Yes, I know, I got your Christmas morning scene down to a tee.

Anyway, the only thing better than the “war of the wrapping” is searching for that perfect little treasure to stuff into your bullet-proof packaging and send off to your favorite family and friends. Here’s what I’m buying this year:

  1. For my demure-yet-adventurous best friend:  OLO Violet/Leather fragrance
  2. For my sweet sisters who are the best moms I know:  Nora Kogan ring
  3. For the artistically-inclined newest addition to the family:  Themis Mobile
  4. For my wily nephews:  Dwell Studio badger
  5. For my coffee-adict uncle:  Stumptown cold brew
  6. For my Mr. (a.k.a. the hippest doctor in town):  General Knot & Co. wool necktie

For more gift ideas, visit my ever-expanding collection here.

Happy gifting!


dear readers, click through to at d’s suggestion to say hello to MEL, the only other lady i know who starts planning her christmas gifts as early as i do! you can also see a guest post of mine on her blog regarding top things to do in denver.

thanks, MEL! it was so fun sharing my space with you today. 


and i’m quite happy about that.

image via huffington post.


a friend loaned us an amazing peacock halloween costume for ramona this year. the photos speak for themselves: she would have nothing to do with it. which is too bad bc we were both going to be peacocks, what with the peacock feather headbands i had DIY’d for the both of us for her pink and gold first birthday (which she also refused to wear).

so we improvised. i went to her wardrobe and picked out the silliest things she owns — a thrifted faux fur stole and a no-sew ribbon and tulle tutu i made. and whaddyaknow? she ended up being a mini edith (either one!) from grey gardens. i think she pulled off the old-crazy-lady look quite well. we wore these get-ups to this past weekend’s highland haunt in lohi denver.

tonight we think we’re trick-or-treating in congress park, a neighborhood i hear has the best candy output in denver. we only think we may go because ramona has been going to bed at 6:00 each night and who knows if she’ll stay awake and happy enough to make the rounds. fine by us. in that case we’ll sit at home and get around to carving our pumpkins and roasting pumpkin seeds.

what are you doing for halloween tonight?

it was a sunday and i was in cincinnati for the wedding of some college friends. jp was there too. he was friends with the groom from their high school days in colorado. we danced, drank, kissed, talked, kissed, and danced some more. ten months later, we were married.

five years later and it’s the sunday labor day weekend wedding of our two dear friends (max’s parents!). i cannot wait to drink and dance w my bubs. and kiss of course. happy the-day-we-met-and-fell-in-love, jp. i love you.


my dear ramona,

fun is with you. fun is on the floor making animal noises and reading book after book and pretending the sheep puppet is talking to you. fun is the laugh you give when papa swings you around and when mama tickles your belly. fun is you dancing to the record player and us trying to sneak a video of it. fun is morning snuggles and trying on mama’s jewelry and putting ponytails in your hair. fun is the noise you make when you see the box of cheerios when we walk through the kitchen. fun is petting violet and lacy and your fearlessness w animals. fun is letting you roam free around the yard, watching you learn how to climb rocks and pick flowers and splash in water.

fun is you with our friends. fun is your charisma and inclusiveness. fun is the smile you get when you see nona or diri or lashley or kimmy or miss tara or uncle ko or aunt beth. fun is your love for and excitement for others. fun is knowing you are so loved by them.

fun is celebrating. fun is knowing how to party. fun is throwing parties for no reason. fun is certainly throwing parties for birthdays. fun is good food, homemade desserts (ok, ok: your cake was from a box), bright red lips, unnecessary decorations, lots of different people, tasty drinks (drinking responsibly of course), and a mixture of silly and thoughtful conversation.

girl, has it been fun.

i love you. love, mama.

read other letters to ramona from the sling diaries series: love, style, explorationcommunication, and history.

this post is done in collaboration with sakura bloom. the sling i am wearing is the simple linen in twilight. the beautiful photos are by the unschooled (that’s for you, leigh 😉 ), teenage photographer phenom, luca venter. they were taken in our backyard during ramona’s first birthday party. special thanks to hey! party collective for making it all look so snazzy. 

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