this was a busy week for the powerdriver clan. here’s what we were up to…

  • we spent last weekend in breckenridge at the gondola house. we went on a bike ride, drank tasty beer, got caught in the rain, and lounged about watching the olympics. wow. did we need this mini-vacation.
  • met melanie and baby beck at the denver zoo. there were spurts of great conversation in between wrangling three babies.
  • ran into a long lost (she was at my kindergarten bday party, for crying out loud) friend from my hometown at linger. got to know, rachel, the mastermind behind glotalot.
  • surprise tickets (fifth freaking row!) to counting crows at red rocks. i danced my ass off like a crazy lady.




One Response to the week’s end & elsewhere

  1. rachel says:

    thanks for the shout out!

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