this has been recovery week after the excitement of ramona’s first birthday. we watched ramona let her first balloon go up up and away, caught up on a lot of missed naps, cleaned up the house after the big celebration (some rooms are still disaster zones), tried on new birthday-gift outfits, celebrated four years of marriage, attended the top of the town party, and relished our quiet family time in bed. this weekend, we plan on doing some thrifting, eating some birthday brunch w some local friends, catching up with some out-of-town friends, and just relaxing. you?

denver stuffs:

  • don’t be shy! the giveaway is still open! you don’t have to be local or even from colorado. new readers, longtime readers, family, and friends: sign up! mountain vs plains is an incredible little shop.
  • my new friend, dan garza, of a small print shop, started writing this really honest and moving prayer and illustration journal, for you when you sleep, on tumblr. i look forward to his daily posts.

other stuffs:


4 Responses to the week’s end and elsewhere

  1. Lashley says:

    get. that. pool.

    please 🙂

  2. MEL says:

    Just wanted to tell you that I’m thinking of you and your family on this somber Denver day. Hope you all have a safe and love-filled weekend. xoxo

  3. mld says:

    that pool would be perfect in that back quadrant – love it!

questions, comments, feedback? please leave a note for me below. i'd love to hear from you!