A Denver Home Companion | SecondLove

please welcome a new sponsor of A Denver Home Companion, SecondLove, a thriftique in the highland square neighborhood of denver! the shop, run by two sisters, angie & katie, is a boutique selling gently-used, well-curated womens, baby, and mens clothes, as well as home goods. it’s definitely my new favorite store and i essentially got my entire winter wardrobe there in one visit.

SecondLove buys clothes on the first sunday of every month. the next one is coming up soon, this sunday, january 6. bring your clothes (in washed and good condition) to the back of the store where katie and/or angie will sort through them and take what is a good fit for the store. based on the prices they set to resell your goods, they offer 30% cash or 50% trade of total value (i usually take the trade bc i really think the best things in life are “free” or at least swapped).

i know it can be a little weird at first to have someone sift through your clothes and saying “yay” or “nay” — it definitely took a couple of trips to various resale shops for me to let go and not take anything personally. but either way, the sisters are SO gracious and will gladly and kindly explain why or why not they have chosen an item. the prices they offer are incredibly fair.

and even if you don’t have clothes to sell (you clotheshorse, you) stop in and take a look at their racks as well as their baby, maternity, and new mens section. there’s also a table of gorgeous jewelry handmade by local artists.

SecondLove is located at 3440 w 32nd ave in the highland square neighborhood of denver. you can also follow them on facebook for updates about trunk shows and buying dates or on pinterest for insights into where they get their fashion inspiration. they are open sunday and monday, 11:00 until 5:00 and on tuesday through saturday, 10:30 until 6:30.

A Denver Home Companion | second love

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our home is small. there’s not a ton of room for many decorations (if i could put a nativity scene on every single surface i would). so to enhance the feel of christmasness in this house, i treated myself to a selection of some candles for the holidays at the perfect petal in highland square. the smell of the holiday season is now wafting all about. not all of these scents are overtly christmas. but they’re enough musky and woodsy and smokey that it feels like a winter wonderland in here.

what are your favorite scents or candle companies, holiday or otherwise? what small things to you do around the house to make it feel more like thattimeofyear?

p.s. another easy (and more natural) way to make the home feel more christmas-y is to simmer some pantry staples on the stove. megan has a great tutorial on holiday simmering scents, which i definitely plan on trying.


i’ve been compiling this list of links for at least three weeks now and i think it’s one of my favorites. enjoy!

p.s. congratulations to emily who won the artifact uprising giveaway!