falling in love, living in the big city, getting married, moving to a new town, finding jobs, buying a house, making it a home, having a child, taking risks, becoming entrepreneurs and small business owners, finding a place in a community, experiencing fulfillment while also trying to keep our selves together under crazy schedules and stress. that’s essentially life in a nutshell for jp and i from the beginning to this current moment.

it’s been fast and busy and demanding and rewarding and confusing and oh so lovely. and maybe you’re sick of me talking about how busy i am but let me know if you feel the same way: those days when you hit the ground running and don’t stop until just before you have to put yourself to bed and you can take a moment sit in your comfiest spot in your home with your favorite drink in hand and just pause to take a look around yourself and feel really good about all that’s getting done or that you’re wisely choosing not to do. those days that zoom by and are filled with life and cleaning up after babies and completed tasks and networking and community and dirty kitchens and playrooms. those days, with the promise of that quiet reflective moment in the evening, are what i live for right now.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


questions, comments, feedback? please leave a note for me below. i'd love to hear from you!