Greetings A Denver Home Companion readers! Amanda here from The Petrichor filling in as “Emily” for the day.

I think it’s safe to say that autumn came and went. Here in Denver, we got to enjoy a little bit of a longer fall. I feel like the leaves were changing for over two months! It’s my favorite time of year, so I won’t complain.

As winter begins to settle in, I thought I would make a promise to myself to enjoy the outdoors more during the cold. The thing about living in Colorado is that we do get all four seasons. I’m originally from California so I need to take advantage of this. Winter is a wonderful time to go outside, sled, visit mountain towns, drink hot cocoa during a snow storm, and just sit and bask in the night glow reflecting off the snow.

To give myself an extra reminder this winter, I made myself a new desktop background to decorate my home and office computers. Hopefully this serves a little reminder to go outside and appreciate the season. You can download the wallpaper by saving the image to your desktop. Hopefully it’ll give you a little extra motivation.

i am not the only one who is busy with small business ventures. lovely readers, click through to see what is keeping amanda so busy these days: The Kin Collective (her design company that redid my blog!) and Our Mutual Friend Malt and Brew (just down the street from The Populist!)

thanks, amanda! that wallpaper is definitely what is on my mac’s background right now.



  1. Amanda says:

    Thanks for inviting me over!

  2. Bryan says:

    Great idea!

questions, comments, feedback? please leave a note for me below. i'd love to hear from you!