A Denver Home Companion | dram apothercary bread barA Denver Home Companion | dram apothercary bread bar

well i don’t have many photos of the goodies we consumed bc it was all just so yummy and we were having too good of a time to remember to snap a shot besides the group one you see. but lashley, koan, kimmy, ramona and I made our way up to silver plume (just a short drive west out of denver) to visit the increasingly popular bread bar, a functioning bar that also operates as a tasting room for dram apothecary. we were quite pleased. it’s adorable and quaint and classy. shea really makes a mean cocktail using her bitters or soda with her handcrafted syrups.

A Denver Home Companion | raspberry leaf tea w honey chamomile from dram apothecary

i brought home one of each of the bitters and have been putting dashes of the honey chamomile in all of my cups of raspberry leaf tea (regular consumption of this tea is recommended for pregnant women).

if you’re looking for an easy and worthwhile day trip, head on over to silver plume. make sure to check their facebook page for hours and any random closings.

i’m blaming my broken promises to you (that i would be back for more blogging) on shoddy internet (comcast has since fixed it and with, surprisingly, amazing customer service) and a broken camera battery charger (one can only post so many instagram photos).

my new charger arrives tomorrow. and now i’ve had too many whisky and gingers to compose a proper post of whatever photos i may have lingering on my external.

so i leave you with this: jonathan power mentioned in the pages of the highly-esteemed (at least in my amateur opinion) pages of design sponge. check it out!


summer is not quite here. but sipping on this drink out on the porch during these sunny denver days, it certainly feels like it already is.

equal parts sotol, lillet, orange liqueur, lime juice. shake well with ice. strain into glass (salted rim optional but highly encouraged).