when we do eat out it’s bc our cupboards are bare. we typically choose establishments that serve large portions for a small bill as well as food that isn’t as easy to make at home. an element of convenience is also appreciated, which is why we find ourselves at one of three places: sol del sur, little ceaser’s, or babylon. unfortunately, we have discovered the secret to some damn good mediterranean. we will be seeing less of babylon.

these turned into pita

these turned into falafel

these turned into foods in our belly
(hummus + baba ghanoush + tzatziki + tahini= yummy)

jp made this entire meal from scratch. entire. silly me asked him if we wanted to buy some pitas at the store, you know, just in case they didn’t turn out the way we had hoped. why do i ever doubt him? these were better than anything we have ever bought and his cooking skills, save for the california omelette he one time made with leftover crab meat from a sushi night, have never ever failed to make my tastebuds do a crazy dance.

you can tell ottoman is as excited as i am:


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