i’m not exactly sure the cause, but in the short time i’ve been at this job there have been two last minute retirements. this means two last minute retirement parties, given to me to organize.
i’m a massive fan of free beer and free food, so this is a good thing. last night was the second of these parties and, though i am not terribly close with many of my coworkers, it was a pleasant time. em came by to imbibe on the cheap, and i was able to introduce her to my colleagues. and, between the food and drink, the two of us certainly racked up a tab that wouldn’t have been fun to cover ourselves! (they carry one of my favorite beers, but at $9 a bottle, i don’t get to drink it often…).
we cabbed it home, which is HIGHLY unusual for us. but given the situation we thought it would be a nice treat. our pakistani driver was v. nice to talk to, it was interesting hearing about his children’s arranged marriages. i must say i’m glad mine didn’t work out that way, but theoretically i can see the value. expectations are different, and commitment often stronger, in that sort of arrangement.

alright, i ought to get to work. i’m making pita, falafel, and all the trimmings tonight for a friend that’s coming over for dinner this evening. i’ll be sure to post some pictures of what will be a very nice meal.


questions, comments, feedback? please leave a note for me below. i'd love to hear from you!