i’ve gotten a number of emails lately telling me that my application to various law schools is now complete and under review. it’ll likely be several weeks before i hear back from any of them, but i’ve begun to get a little anxious. i’m excited to see where emily and i decide to go next year.

portland…boulder…new york…
(minneapolis is on there too, but i haven’t yet wrapped my head around MN winters)
this is a massive step for us; moving our little family across the country. and depending on where we end up, we’ll have to see who we know in the area. portland certainly has it’s draws, but it would be a serious adventure for us to set out on our own, a long way from anyone we are terribly close with.
i love my wife, i know we’re making exciting choices right now, the effects of which we’ll see for miles down the road.
i don’t know that i’m ready to make any big decisions just yet, but i’m sure hoping i have options.
pictures of em’s new haircut and a big family dinner are coming soon, but i’m still thinking about our last camping trip. when i was warm.

questions, comments, feedback? please leave a note for me below. i'd love to hear from you!