here are two weeks’ worth of links i’ve stored up for you! again, i’m sometimes a little slow to viral news and internet sensations, so i hope some of this is new to you!

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6 Responses to the (last two) week’s end & elsewhere

  1. Kelsey says:

    We are going to the Lumineers show in Phoneix TONIGHT! I’m so stoked! AND the show was only $15, I was blown away but so thankful…such a bummer that concerts can be so dang expensive. I’ll say hi for you šŸ™‚

  2. Kelsey says:

    *Phoenix šŸ™‚

  3. Nicole says:

    I loved the post about the chicken slaughter. It’s a beautiful thing to teach respect for the food we consume. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Cora says:

    Look at Ramona’s shoes!! I want to do the exchange! I did something similar on my blog exchanging thrift finds. Let totally send a box of goodies to each other!

  5. Nikki Kelly says:

    Omg! I love FNL! Season 2 was kinda crap, but the finale was everything I could have hoped for in a tv show. Seriously, my bf and I watch the last 20 minutes when we’re feeling nostalgic (ie drunk). I’ll be sad when we have to get a new DVR.

    Texas forever!

    Nikki Kelly @ the ambitious procrastinator

questions, comments, feedback? please leave a note for me below. i'd love to hear from you!