A Denver Home Companion | r.l. linden ironwood perfume giveaway

oh hi! you remember r.l. linden? they are my new favorite skincare line and they just keep concocting and producing the absolute best products. and they’re from denver! stay tuned for an updated toiletry tuesday on how i use some of their items. but for now, let’s welcome them as new sponsors on A Denver Home Companion! we’re celebrating with a giveaway of their roll-on unisex perfume, ironwood no. 1. this was a collaboration with the denver store ironwood and features the amazing scent of palo santo, which just makes me swoon. so it’s a bonus that my love, jp, likes to wear it (and this says a lot bc he has never worn a scent before).

to be entered to win, please visit r.l. linden and tell me what product you’d be interested in trying. for more entries, share this giveaway, like them on facebook and twitter. and for even MORE entries, like me on facebook! make sure to leave an extra comment for each additional entry. (if you already follow us on other social platforms, that counts too!) i’ll contact the winner this friday, on valentine’s day.