A Denver Home Companion | best iphone applications for mamas

i try to keep my smartphone uncluttered as i can find enough excuses to waste my time on it as it is. shown here are the apps i use the most, both for me and for ramona:

1. endless alphabet a great learning game that uses cute monsters to teach ramona how to identify letters. i certainly see how she’s absorbed it when she points out letters in our-day-to-day happenings || 2. heytell i’m more of a texter than a phone caller. but texting is not a good idea in a lot of situations. heytell allows you to voice text people. it’s a combination siri and skype and it’s great for sending quick messages when texting isn’t available || 3. dots: a game about connecting mamas need games too! try this game once and you’ll be hooked. hint: try and connect four in a sqaure || 4. simple grocery list i have lists on the fridge, in two notebooks, and in my agenda. all of which i forget whenever i head to the store. this app helps me consolidate and organize my shopping lists. and i never forget to leave home w/o my phone!  || 5. instagram who doesn’t have this?! it’s my favorite way to socially network, by far. if you insta too: follow me at adenverhomecompanion || 6. pbs kids video sometimes i just need ramona to veg out and give me some time. this app streams a large variety of pbs kids shows.

what apps do you love having on your phone?



  1. Great suggestions! Love the alphabet one. Can’t wait to install it! I’m also impressed that you consolidate your lists on your phone. I really need to do that. 9/10 I also leave the house without my list.

  2. Love these suggestions, Emily. Now I just have to get the glass replaced on the face of my iphone and I’ll be all set. Theodore thought it would be fun idea to throw my phone across the cement driveway– and shattered it was 🙂 Ugh. Happy night!

  3. My phone is not in great shape and most days the battery dies if I try to do anything with it, but there are two apps I love when I can get it to work – viber which allows me to text and call my brother in Turkey for free (as long as we both have a wifi connection) and also an app for the supermarket I use that tells me which aisle stuff will be in and organises my list according to those aisles. It has made shopping shorter and cheaper, because I’m focused so much on crossing things off the app I don’t look around and impulse buy as much.

  4. Alli says:

    Great suggestions, thanks! Lulu loves Elmo Calls (Elmo actually calls you & chats!) & Monster 2 (the monster at the end of this book story with activities). I’m a Sesame Street fan so both the apps are Sesame Street apps.

questions, comments, feedback? please leave a note for me below. i'd love to hear from you!