27 things to do in my 27th year

  1. run a half marathon
  2. visit chicago (i’ve been there [lived there!] but i want to travel back once a year)
  3. learn to milk the goats
  4. write a business plan for that idea i have up my sleeve
  5. get addicted to running
  6. sew something for ramona to wear
  7. hem my closet curtains (actually, my mother did this for me)
  8. get another tattoo
  9. visit hot springs
  10. write one letter a week to send by post didn’t keep track but between bday cards, thank you notes, and our valentines cards, i think it all evened out.
  11. go sledding
  12. have at least two date nights a month w jp i didn’t keep track but it sure felt like i got more dates w him than the previous year!
  13. plant a garden of wildflowers
  14. make family christmas stockings
  15. update my etsy shop
  16. write a poem. or two.
  17. throw a derby party
  18. start saying “you’re welcome” instead of “no problem” when thanked by others.
  19. start saying “thank you” instead of playing or shrugging it off when complimented by others
  20. get caught up on the family photo album
  21. take a weekend road trip to the dunes… or anywhere really
  22. read one book a month (taking suggestions! currently reading: The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, by Michael Chabon)
  23. learn to change a flat tire on a bike (it is embarrassing that i’ve gone this long without learning that)
  24. climb a fourteener
  25. start serious plans for a beehive
  26. throw a party involving a piñata
  27. go to the dentist

(a photo of my mama and i when i was just a wee one).


12 Responses to on this occasion, my 27th year of life

  1. Kimmy says:

    I can assist you with things 12 (babysittng of course, not as the third wheel), 13, 25.
    I would love to be involved in things 17 and 26.
    And things 11, 18, 19, and 27 are just straight up good ideas.

  2. amy says:

    I can be your third wheel.


  3. I am right there with you on 6, 10, 16, 18-20. Many ideas for #22 always. And when I read #25 I definitely thought you meant your hair at first. Which would be cool.

    Happy 27!

  4. Lashley says:

    Why is #27 so difficult? I’ve been paying for dental insurance for YEARS and haven’t been. Yeesh.

    In other news, didn’t you just finish your 27th year? Like how you turn 1 after your first year of life? Or am I forgetting your actual age?

    • Lashley says:

      Never mind. I just realized that you’re celebrating your 27th year, not planning for your 27th year. Strike that from the record.

    • emily says:

      i have an appt on next wednesday but no insurance. it’s been three years and i’ve never been so scared to go to the dentist. yikes!

  5. Kelly says:

    Happy Birthday! great list!

  6. […] last year i wrote a list of 27 things i wanted to do in my 27th year. […]

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