I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.

that above line is from a book i just ordered and will soon receive from amazon. my mother had it and read it to my brother and i as young children. i couldn’t help but be reminded of it when i went in to check in on ramona last night. she was talking to herself in her sleep and i just had to pick her up and hold her. they say let sleeping babies lie but there was no way i could do that in that moment. i held her and thought of how this time of her in my arms at night is so so so minuscule in the scheme of her life and mine. and though she will grow and our relationship with evolve, i will love her forever; my baby she will always be.


2 Responses to i’ll love you forever

  1. You look gorgeous! (Ramona Bean too!)

  2. mld says:

    I love your love for Ramona.

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