a friend of mine mentioned in an email the juicing that she’s been doing to keep herself on top of the weather. she says she does 1 beet, 2 carrots, 2 celery stalks, 2 apples and a hint of ginger. sometimes, she said, she adds some citrus (half a grapefruit).

this inspired me to take out the snazzy breville juicer jp and i got for our wedding and have maybe used 4 times in almost 3 years. jp and i were at alfalfa’s (our new favorite grocery store) earlier this week and picked up some great organic juicing options. i decided to do smaller portions to play around with flavors and also threw in some cucumber.
–1/2 a small red beet
–1/2 carrot
–1/4 cucumber
–1/4″ ginger (would add way more next time)
–1/2 a braeburn apple

that mixture made a nice small cup of juice that tasted AWESOME and big handful of fresh scraps for the hens. i plan on doubling the recipe next time. and if i can make juicing a habit, then i’ll probably increase the ingredient amounts even more. but i’m gonna wait to see i can stick to this and not let all my veggies go rotten in the fridge.

questions, comments, feedback? please leave a note for me below. i'd love to hear from you!