last friday i got to have breakfast with blogger friend, andrea, from maiden metallurgist. she is so great!
i started reading her blog–which i found off–well over a year ago, bc i loved her honesty and style and approach to life. what was even more fun was that she and her hubby got pregnant right around the time jp and i were talking about trying to get pregnant. and then, once henry was born, i found that our two families have a lot in common as far as parenting-style, a lovely coincidence.
so we got together over quiche and coffee at crema, where i finally got to meet her and hen, her charming son. andrea is as honest, forthright, and energetic in real-life as in her writing. being able to spend time with her and pick her brain about motherhood and blogging and babywearing was a gift to me; a perfect way to spend a friday morning.
before ramona was born i had already acquired a sling, a moby wrap, and a boba carrier. jp and i planned to do more wearing of ramona than carrying her around in her carseat. based on the research we have done we think this is a great way to include ramona in our daily going-ons, stimulate her, socialize her, get her to sleep, and be with her while also being able to get things done around the house. 
andrea seemed like she had the babywearing thing figured out while i was still struggling to get ramona snugly in the moby wrap or get things done with her in my beautiful but not-so-task-friendly, sakura bloom sling. so i asked her about it and she followed up with a most helpful email about resources (, groups, (mine is a denver group), and wraps (i prefer the didymos). and when we got together last week she showed me a very helpful rucksack tibetan wrap. my life is changed.

i can get so much done around the house. she loves to ride around wide-eyed watching over my shoulder everything that i am doing. eventually, and without fail, she will fall asleep (as shown in these photos) and sleep through most anything. this carry is also great for working w two kids, which i will start to do on monday. in order to soothe her (after ensuring diaper is changed and belly is full) i strap her to my back and then i can more easily tend to max, the 5-month-old i’ve watched a couple of times and will start to watch full-time on monday.
max in front and ramona on back. life saver.

One Response to wear your baby!

  1. melinda sue says:

    i wish i would have wrapped asher more. i was so nervous, and recovering from surgery (so really couldn't carry him very far at all, c-sections blow) i never really started. next child i will definitely wrap more.

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