A Denver Home Companion | strider bikeA Denver Home Companion | strider bikeDiptic3

need an idea for a christmas present for that little one in your life? a strider bike. your little one will learn to balance and wheel around on this two-wheeled contraption and then, the concept is, skip training wheels and go straight to being comfortable pedaling on two wheels. ramona got this balance bike for her first birthday, which was probably a bit young, but she has slowly gotten the hang of it and is certainly more comfortable on it.

i did have the idea recently to bike to get tacos — about ten blocks away. it took ten minutes for us to get to the corner. so we scratched that idea. one day. for now we’ll just tool around the block.

if you live in denver, consider getting your strider at salvagetti. they have most, if not all, the colors, and you’ll be supporting a local, small business!

this is not a sponsored post. strider bikes just really rock. 

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  1. Elaine Ellis says:

    Her facial expressions are adorable. Such concentration.

  2. endelaney says:

    That girl does not mess around. Haha! Octave tried this the other day and fell in love. I think this is going on a Christmas or Birthday list.

  3. Striders (and all balance bikes) are the best! My son started riding a bike at 4.5 years after riding his Strider for a year. My daughter (3) will be ready to ride a bike by next summer after mastering her Strider this summer.

  4. Sarah C. says:

    Jude will be getting one for his second birthday in February! I thought about it for Christmas, but it’s going to be too cold to go out and ride it until springtime anyways…

  5. Lauren says:

    I love that fierce little face! She’ll take this world by storm!

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