especially those that aren’t afraid to hold a crying baby.

some days are easier than others. yesterday was really hard. i pretty much hid in my room when ramona would not stop crying. a friend was stopping by to drop off something for jp in the backyard. part of me was hoping he’d be scared off by the little bean’s wails rocking through the windows and i could continue being miserable at home by ourselves. i figured he’d drop the stuff off and leave without coming to the door. he’s a better friend than that, i found out.

he knocked on the door and offered to take her from me and give me a break. it was then that i lost it and just let myself cry. perhaps it was the image of my big, burly, bearded friend holding my little crying newbean or the fact that he did not shy away from the constant screaming of a child not his own. but it was love and friendship and i am so grateful for my community here in denver.


questions, comments, feedback? please leave a note for me below. i'd love to hear from you!