jonathan and i just made a small monthly pledge to colorado public radio. we find the programming on NPR and local public radio stations to be so important, informative, entertaining and enlightening. we are excited to raise the little bean on those familiar voices when we tool around in our car and introduce him/her to our love of saturdays filled with stories and game shows.

if you too are an avid listener of such great programs as This American Life, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, Fresh Air, Car Talk and the news bits as well, we encourage you to pledge–no matter how small or large an amount–to your local public radio station today.


One Response to public radio

  1. molly says:

    This is a great post. I share the same sentiments for NPR and I am planning on supporting it too. Considering the amount of enjoyment we get from the programs I really owe them a donation. =)

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