my sister-in-law, beth, along with my mother-in-law threw me a baby shower. beth invited all of the important women and mothers in her life, which are her mother’s best friends. it was one of the most special times ever. 

quiche and fresh fruit and scrumptious salad were served. after we were done eating the women went around and shared stories of motherhood and their advice for me, a new mama. many tears were shed and laughs were shared. i cannot even begin to describe how much i appreciate the honesty of these women, many whom barely know me. however, their love for me, being the daughter-in-law of their dear friend, was so obvious, palpable, welcomed. i am so honored that beth and mary would share these women with me and introduce them to me on such a profound level.

this is the cake that mary picked up from indulge bakery. it was some of the best red velvet i have ever had. see the cute little bean at the top? it’s a kidney bean under a blanket! so adorable.

my amazing sister, beth and my incredibly generous mother-in-law, mary.

the wonderful mothers. thank you, ladies, for all your love and encouragement and honesty. you have made me even more excited and confident to be a mama and i feel so incredibly supported.


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