A Denver Home Companion | finding myself

i realize now it’s been a while since i’ve actually written anything of personal note on here. there are the gushes to ramona and the link’s i’ve collected throughout the week. i’ve had fabulous contributions from inspiring and thoughtful guest writers. and i’ve gotten to know and be able to showcase hardworking local small businesses.

but i’ve slowly been letting myself go mute, a little confused and off course w this space. and after finally getting around to reading the blogs in my feedly that i love so much and which give me a lot of mental and emotional sustenance –coupled w the feeling that i have offered you, reader, little to chew on– i have been convinced again, that this space needs to remain very much mine. i had toyed w the idea of completely refocusing it with a denver lilt. and i love denver and love to explore and write about it and the people that are a part of it. but i am, first and foremost, a journaler, and that is what this space has always been: a place to document the going ons of my life w my family in our little home and among our community. and that is what this space needs to continue to remain.

i am looking forward to continue partnering w local companies (or like-minded small businesses out there) in uplifting the entrepreneur and giving love to people who work so hard at their passions and pursuits. i will still open up this space for other voices who have stories to share and insights to impart. there will, yes, still be toiletry tuesday. but, moving forward, you’re gonna get a lot more of what’s going on w my family and me and our home and life. i so do hope you’ll stick around for that.

all my love to you, dear reader.



5 Responses to FINDING MY VOICE

  1. Dave says:

    So nice to read this post. You have such a nice ‘fist’ or voice when you write. Looking forward to more from you, and have certainly enjoyed the writings of your contributors.

  2. Kezzie says:

    I’m also drawn to blogs by people that let us little peeks into their lives and minds. I especially enjoy connecting and learning from other moms and women. can’t wait to read more from you!

  3. MEL says:

    So glad to hear it! Looking forward to keeping up with you and your adventures here!


  4. PJ says:

    As a fellow blogger/mom struggling with my own blog’s voice/vision, I really appreciate this post.

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