A Denver Home Companion | Wave by Suzy Lee A Denver Home Companion | Wave by Suzy Lee A Denver Home Companion | Wave by Suzy Lee A Denver Home Companion | Wave by Suzy Lee A Denver Home Companion | Wave by Suzy Lee


my mother, a lover of the ocean, sent this book, wave by suzy lee, to ramona and me. there are no words to read. only the most beautiful charcoal and acrylic illustrations of a curious girl and a playful wave.

thanks, mama, for this token of love that reminds us of you. your gifts are always so thoughtful and beautiful.

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  1. kezzie says:

    we have that book too! rain loves it. sometimes he even tells the story.

  2. Marcie says:

    I hope the future includes Ramona and I swimming to the buoy, wallowing in the waves, and reading a good book together.

  3. Sarah says:

    Sylvia and I LOVE this book too. We make up new names for the girl.

questions, comments, feedback? please leave a note for me below. i'd love to hear from you!