chicky and the chickens
her very own chickens! my brother saw our chicken pen and realized they could do it in their backyard in minneapolis. i’m quite proud of him for taking the initiative to do this with his family. tons of people see our chickens and say “i want to do that!” and never do. which is actually surprising to me bc it’s not that hard, it’s not very expensive, and you get tasty, fresh eggs each day (most days).
i’m also flattered that he was so impressed with what jp and i have done with our homestead (though a lot of the credit for the chicken pen does go to my generous mother and father). it takes a lot to impress my brother.
welcome to the family, eleanor, ladybird, princess chicky, prince charming, cinderella and belle– i think that’s all their names!. (yes, you do see some crossover names from the denver to the minneapolis brood.)